Discussion Forum Guidelines
General Introduction
The One Truth One Law (OTOL) discussion forum has developed these guidelines to outline the expected conduct of those who participate. This forum is founded on the desire to learn from God through His spirit and written word; The Bible is our primary source for all topics and answers to questions, as we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, directly inspired by Him in its entirety. Those who are here to discuss and learn or even those who may not fully agree with us are encouraged to join, but those who merely wish to attack and discredit are discouraged. We appreciate that discussions involve a diversity of experiences, points of understanding and writing styles, but it is your responsibility to express yourself respectfully and within the forum guidelines.
In general we ask that you write in a manner:
That is clear and purposed to edify others, not in a way that is unclear and inconsiderate of others (1Cor. 14:3-4)
That you would want others to write to you (Mt. 7:12, Lk. 6:31)
That is not in a spirit of aggression (Col. 3:8)
That shows consideration and reflection on what has been said previously (Col. 4:6)
a.Upon joining, the Admin reserves the right to request information to determine validity of the member and their posting status.
b.DO NOT email user names, passwords or any personal details to others.
c. Multiple identities will not be allowed; only one signup account per person will be permitted.
d.Anonymous/Guest postings are not allowed.
e.OTOL is not responsible for the opinions posted by anyone on the discussion threads.
f.Any legal threats to OTOL or the users will result in immediate banning of all parties involved.
g.Send alerts to moderators if noted rule violations.
h.If there is a specific complaint or questions related to management or moderation of the discussion forum, email: [email protected]
2.Member Suspension
a.Members who breach forum rules will receive an official warning followed by a permanent ban.
b.OTOL reserves the right to remove anyone from the discussion forum, for a period or permanently and reasons conveyed to the member either by personal message or email.
c.If a members' behavior improves and remains consistent, it is possible for their warnings to be cancelled out by positive changes.
d.If you're banned/suspended - Stay away. Do not resign up under a different name or both accounts will be removed.
3.Forum Moderators
a.The Moderators/Admin are volunteers who are responsible for enforcing the forum rules and guidelines; they may ban someone at their discretion if that person is in violation of the guidelines.
b.The Moderator/Admin may refer to the forum guidelines, but no explanation is needed beyond this.
c.Reviewing and agreeing to these guidelines is considered your ‘first warning’.
d.Do not challenge the moderators' application of the rules by posting complaints, comments or questions on the boards as to their enforcement of the rules; offenders may be suspended or banned immediately.
e.The views stated by any moderator/admin on any subject other than the logistics or rules of the boards are purely their own.
4.Respectful Communication
a.No disrespectful comments of or about God will be tolerated.
b.You will not post any message that harasses, insults, belittles, threatens, or 'flames' (http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-flaming.htm) another member. You may discuss or disagree with another member's belief system per the topic of the forum but there will be no personal attacks on the member.
c.If you find the contents of a message to be offensive, abusive, or otherwise objectionable try to settle the matter personally with the author. If these attempts to resolve things fail, as a last resort you may report the message to a forum moderator (Matt. 18:16-17). This is to be done by sending a message to one or more moderators. This report should contain details of your attempt to resolve the situation and may also include the contents of the offending message (discretion should be taken to not forward content of a sensitive personal nature unless it is essential to the complaint). Once a complaint has been received, it will be presented to the OTOL for review; the matter will be discussed with the complainant and the accused with a preferred aim to achieve reconciliation. If this fails, depending on the severity of the incident, warnings or other disciplinary action may result.
d.As a gesture of politeness and respect, we also ask that you write in a way that members and guests will understand. This includes the limitating abbreviated words and chat phrases (such as lol – laugh out loud, jk – joking, etc.) and that all posts be made in English; posting in English will enable moderators to fully perform their responsibilities.
a.Please avoid anything that would breach Copyright Laws. If in doubt, just include the link and a brief description.
b.Plagiarism will not be tolerated, so please acknowledge the work of others when using it in your posts.
c.Do not misquote others. It is best to quote an entire sentence, even paragraph if possible.
d.All Bible quotes must also be cited, and which version is used for the quotation.
e.If an article is copied and pasted from another source, that source must be credited in the post, preferably at the top or bottom, to indicate it is not the poster's original work.
f.If an article is to be used from this site, other than a link, then the source must be attributed in the post, and the author's permission obtained.
g.If you post material on the site, regardless of whether it's yours or a referenced work copied and pasted, you must be prepared to either defend it or point out the parts you agree with or disagree with (in the case of a referenced work).
h.Posts with no supporting reasons for statements made, or contents pasted, or links provided, may be removed.
a.Please avoid using large signatures.
b.Please avoid using animated avatars and signatures.
c.You will not post or use any part of the discussion boards if you are 12 years old or younger in compliance with US law (known as COPPA law) until we have received written approval from your parents.
d.Please stay “on-topic”.
e.Please keep topics in the appropriate sections. OTOL may move topics to the appropriate area.
f.Please try to avoid duplicate topics.
g.Post titles are not to be links that are an advertisement or promotion of website unrelated to topic. The forums are for discussion, not as a referral service to papers from other websites.
h.Spamming advertisements, videos, photos or same post on several boards will result in immediate banning with all posts removed.
i.Please do not post your whole message (or the majority of it) in all caps. This is equivalent to yelling.
j.By registering you agree not to be vulgar, divisive, insulting, profane, etc. You have NO unspoken right to speak in a perverted, offensive, profane, foul, or blasphemous manner.
1.The filter will block certain words. If a word is blocked in your posting, please edit to include a more appropriate word.
2.Posting spaces, characters that leave the impression or meaning of profanity are still considered a rule violation.
k.Do not post links to offensive material or graphic pictures; this includes, violent images, porno, or websites, blogs, discussion forums that are discussing other members in a negative manner, etc. Links that contain any of these elements will be removed, and may result in removal.
l.You will not post any messages anywhere on the discussion board that are primarily for the promotion or advertising of any website, other discussion boards, blogs, email address, business, MLM (Multi Level Marketing or pyramid schemes), activity, church, ministry, prophetic services or any other entities or services that you have an affiliation with (i.e. no self-promotion). Moderators will remove links appearing for promotion or advertisement.
m.Do not post material on behalf of someone who has been banned/suspended. If you know of someone who has been suspended/banned and know that the person is posting under a different name, and if this is found out, you may be subject to also being banned if you don't let a moderator know.
n.Should someone else be using your computer or IP address to sign on for another account, you are still considered responsible for what is posted by that person.
o.If a member is using a pseudonym on the boards, we request that you honor that pseudonym. Real names may only be used with permission of the individual. Real names may be deleted by OTOL without permission.
p.Do not post questions concerning infractions/alerts to moderators/admin or complain on in a discussion thread, as such post will be deleted.
q.If you find a violation of the guidelines send an alert, and please give the moderators at least 24 hours to respond. If the post in question is not edited or deleted after 24 hours, the moderator has determined it is not a violation. The decision of the moderator is final.
a.If your posts are lost during a deletion session due to standard deletion, by date, rule-breaking or necessary maintenance upgrades and/or fixes, OTOL is not responsible for preserving your posts.
b.It is your responsibility to archive and repost if and when necessary.
Final Agreement
These are the rules for using the OTOL Discussion Forum. By registering, you are demonstrating that you have read and agree with these rules and further agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with them, please find another discussion forum.
The One Truth One Law (OTOL) discussion forum has developed these guidelines to outline the expected conduct of those who participate. This forum is founded on the desire to learn from God through His spirit and written word; The Bible is our primary source for all topics and answers to questions, as we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, directly inspired by Him in its entirety. Those who are here to discuss and learn or even those who may not fully agree with us are encouraged to join, but those who merely wish to attack and discredit are discouraged. We appreciate that discussions involve a diversity of experiences, points of understanding and writing styles, but it is your responsibility to express yourself respectfully and within the forum guidelines.
In general we ask that you write in a manner:
That is clear and purposed to edify others, not in a way that is unclear and inconsiderate of others (1Cor. 14:3-4)
That you would want others to write to you (Mt. 7:12, Lk. 6:31)
That is not in a spirit of aggression (Col. 3:8)
That shows consideration and reflection on what has been said previously (Col. 4:6)
a.Upon joining, the Admin reserves the right to request information to determine validity of the member and their posting status.
b.DO NOT email user names, passwords or any personal details to others.
c. Multiple identities will not be allowed; only one signup account per person will be permitted.
d.Anonymous/Guest postings are not allowed.
e.OTOL is not responsible for the opinions posted by anyone on the discussion threads.
f.Any legal threats to OTOL or the users will result in immediate banning of all parties involved.
g.Send alerts to moderators if noted rule violations.
h.If there is a specific complaint or questions related to management or moderation of the discussion forum, email: [email protected]
2.Member Suspension
a.Members who breach forum rules will receive an official warning followed by a permanent ban.
b.OTOL reserves the right to remove anyone from the discussion forum, for a period or permanently and reasons conveyed to the member either by personal message or email.
c.If a members' behavior improves and remains consistent, it is possible for their warnings to be cancelled out by positive changes.
d.If you're banned/suspended - Stay away. Do not resign up under a different name or both accounts will be removed.
3.Forum Moderators
a.The Moderators/Admin are volunteers who are responsible for enforcing the forum rules and guidelines; they may ban someone at their discretion if that person is in violation of the guidelines.
b.The Moderator/Admin may refer to the forum guidelines, but no explanation is needed beyond this.
c.Reviewing and agreeing to these guidelines is considered your ‘first warning’.
d.Do not challenge the moderators' application of the rules by posting complaints, comments or questions on the boards as to their enforcement of the rules; offenders may be suspended or banned immediately.
e.The views stated by any moderator/admin on any subject other than the logistics or rules of the boards are purely their own.
4.Respectful Communication
a.No disrespectful comments of or about God will be tolerated.
b.You will not post any message that harasses, insults, belittles, threatens, or 'flames' (http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-flaming.htm) another member. You may discuss or disagree with another member's belief system per the topic of the forum but there will be no personal attacks on the member.
c.If you find the contents of a message to be offensive, abusive, or otherwise objectionable try to settle the matter personally with the author. If these attempts to resolve things fail, as a last resort you may report the message to a forum moderator (Matt. 18:16-17). This is to be done by sending a message to one or more moderators. This report should contain details of your attempt to resolve the situation and may also include the contents of the offending message (discretion should be taken to not forward content of a sensitive personal nature unless it is essential to the complaint). Once a complaint has been received, it will be presented to the OTOL for review; the matter will be discussed with the complainant and the accused with a preferred aim to achieve reconciliation. If this fails, depending on the severity of the incident, warnings or other disciplinary action may result.
d.As a gesture of politeness and respect, we also ask that you write in a way that members and guests will understand. This includes the limitating abbreviated words and chat phrases (such as lol – laugh out loud, jk – joking, etc.) and that all posts be made in English; posting in English will enable moderators to fully perform their responsibilities.
a.Please avoid anything that would breach Copyright Laws. If in doubt, just include the link and a brief description.
b.Plagiarism will not be tolerated, so please acknowledge the work of others when using it in your posts.
c.Do not misquote others. It is best to quote an entire sentence, even paragraph if possible.
d.All Bible quotes must also be cited, and which version is used for the quotation.
e.If an article is copied and pasted from another source, that source must be credited in the post, preferably at the top or bottom, to indicate it is not the poster's original work.
f.If an article is to be used from this site, other than a link, then the source must be attributed in the post, and the author's permission obtained.
g.If you post material on the site, regardless of whether it's yours or a referenced work copied and pasted, you must be prepared to either defend it or point out the parts you agree with or disagree with (in the case of a referenced work).
h.Posts with no supporting reasons for statements made, or contents pasted, or links provided, may be removed.
a.Please avoid using large signatures.
b.Please avoid using animated avatars and signatures.
c.You will not post or use any part of the discussion boards if you are 12 years old or younger in compliance with US law (known as COPPA law) until we have received written approval from your parents.
d.Please stay “on-topic”.
e.Please keep topics in the appropriate sections. OTOL may move topics to the appropriate area.
f.Please try to avoid duplicate topics.
g.Post titles are not to be links that are an advertisement or promotion of website unrelated to topic. The forums are for discussion, not as a referral service to papers from other websites.
h.Spamming advertisements, videos, photos or same post on several boards will result in immediate banning with all posts removed.
i.Please do not post your whole message (or the majority of it) in all caps. This is equivalent to yelling.
j.By registering you agree not to be vulgar, divisive, insulting, profane, etc. You have NO unspoken right to speak in a perverted, offensive, profane, foul, or blasphemous manner.
1.The filter will block certain words. If a word is blocked in your posting, please edit to include a more appropriate word.
2.Posting spaces, characters that leave the impression or meaning of profanity are still considered a rule violation.
k.Do not post links to offensive material or graphic pictures; this includes, violent images, porno, or websites, blogs, discussion forums that are discussing other members in a negative manner, etc. Links that contain any of these elements will be removed, and may result in removal.
l.You will not post any messages anywhere on the discussion board that are primarily for the promotion or advertising of any website, other discussion boards, blogs, email address, business, MLM (Multi Level Marketing or pyramid schemes), activity, church, ministry, prophetic services or any other entities or services that you have an affiliation with (i.e. no self-promotion). Moderators will remove links appearing for promotion or advertisement.
m.Do not post material on behalf of someone who has been banned/suspended. If you know of someone who has been suspended/banned and know that the person is posting under a different name, and if this is found out, you may be subject to also being banned if you don't let a moderator know.
n.Should someone else be using your computer or IP address to sign on for another account, you are still considered responsible for what is posted by that person.
o.If a member is using a pseudonym on the boards, we request that you honor that pseudonym. Real names may only be used with permission of the individual. Real names may be deleted by OTOL without permission.
p.Do not post questions concerning infractions/alerts to moderators/admin or complain on in a discussion thread, as such post will be deleted.
q.If you find a violation of the guidelines send an alert, and please give the moderators at least 24 hours to respond. If the post in question is not edited or deleted after 24 hours, the moderator has determined it is not a violation. The decision of the moderator is final.
a.If your posts are lost during a deletion session due to standard deletion, by date, rule-breaking or necessary maintenance upgrades and/or fixes, OTOL is not responsible for preserving your posts.
b.It is your responsibility to archive and repost if and when necessary.
Final Agreement
These are the rules for using the OTOL Discussion Forum. By registering, you are demonstrating that you have read and agree with these rules and further agree to be bound by them. If you do not agree with them, please find another discussion forum.